Harnessing the Power of Thoughts

How do thoughts impact our lives? Here's a deep dive into the mind's influence.

Every individual is intimately familiar with the concept of thought, as it's a constant companion from waking to sleeping. Thoughts govern our day-to-day actions and hold immense power and influence. Renowned experts categorize thoughts into nine broad types: Unnecessary, Necessary, Positive, Logical, Toxic, Negative, Creative, Critical, and Elevated. 

As we navigate our bustling lives, we may need to dwell upon necessary, logical, and creative thoughts to fulfil our routine activities. However, it's crucial to tread carefully around negative and toxic thoughts. This article will delve into the nuances of positive and negative thoughts and their impact on our lives.

The Strength of Positive Thought: The Story of Arunima Sinha

Positive thoughts have an indomitable power that can often yield extraordinary results. A classic exemplification of this is the life of Padma Shri awardee Arunima Sinha, whose story resonates with the strength of positivity and determination. 

Born in Sultanpur, Uttar Pradesh, Arunima was a national-level volleyball player who, at 21, suffered a horrific incident. She was thrown out of a train by thieves, leading to the amputation of her leg. Despite her dire circumstances, she refused to succumb to self-pity. Instead, she channelled her energy into scaling Mt. Everest, becoming the first Indian female amputee to do so less than two years after her accident. Her story is a testament to the power of positive thoughts and the mind's resilience.

The Impact of Negative Thoughts

Conversely, negative thoughts can lead to adverse effects. Dr B M Hegde, the retired Principal of KMC Manipal, shares an account of a patient who, out of fear, developed diabetes, a condition her husband suffered from. Despite being reassured that diabetes is not contagious, her lingering negative thoughts ultimately led to her developing the disease. 

Negative words also hold significant power. This concept is illustrated in a practice by a tribe in the Solomon Islands. They would gather around a tree they wished to cut and verbally abuse it for a month, leading to the tree's natural death. This peculiar phenomenon shows the potential destructive power of negative words.


Thoughts Influence Physical Matter

Dr. Masaru Emoto, a Japanese scientist, conducted experiments that reveal the power of thoughts and words on water. By labelling glasses of water with different words like 'Love You, 'Hate You', and 'Ignore You', he showed how the molecular structure of water can be influenced, reflecting the sentiments of the words. 

It's worth noting that our bodies are made of 70 per cent water. If thoughts can impact water's molecular structure, imagine the influence they can have on our bodies, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a positive mental state.

Here's a YouTube video on Emoto's experiment: https://youtu.be/5cyQVu_8EFc

How Thoughts Shape Our Destiny

An individual holds an average of 10 to 20 thoughts per minute, which can drastically increase under emotional distress. Maintaining a balanced mental state can prevent undue strain and enhance our quality of life.

From thought springs feelings, which shape our attitudes and eventually our actions. With repetition, these actions form habits, defining our character and shaping our destiny. Thus, it's clear how thoughts can directly impact our lives.

Tips for Countering Negative Thoughts

It's essential to promptly dismiss negative thoughts as soon as they arise. Techniques such as chanting "OM" 21 times a day, practising 6-4-9 Pranayama, or cultivating positive affirmations can significantly help in this endeavour. 

In conclusion, understanding and effectively managing our thoughts can improve mental health, productivity, and overall quality of life. It's crucial to cultivate a positive mental state and ward off negative thoughts, empowering us to reach our maximum potential.

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About the author

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Vishwanath Rao U

Vishwanath Rao worked with Syndicate bank for 32 years across different parts of India. A member of the Silver Talkies Club, he loves doing Yoga and enhancing his learning across various subjects. He is a member of the Silver talkies club.

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13 Aug, 2023

Mr Vishwanath Rao's write up made a good read. Yes it is imperative that we harness our thoughts. Got to strengthen our minds for that consciously. But it is easier said than done. True that meditation and pranayama have immense capacity to calm our minds. Will power goes a long way in shaping our habits as well.

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01 Aug, 2023

Beautiful thoughts with sound examples. some very useful practices too. it is imperative that we train our brains to breakdown every thought into positive and negative. it is then easy to respond to only the positive thoughts.

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